Problem with document creation REST API: document JSON properties in a collection are ignored
Here's my setup:
- schema “myschema” defined as single field named “list” of type Complex that is multi-valued
- the complex sub-schema has 2 string fields “foo” and “bar”, neither are multi-valued
- document type “mydoc” that references this schema
- modify creation/edit layouts for the document type to use a list widget on the “myschema” schema
- in Nuxeo DM, create a “mydoc” document titled “mydocinstance” (for testing, i hit the “Add” trigger on the UI and plug in the values “test1” and “test2” for the foo/bar fields respectively)
With that setup I do a GET /nuxeo/api/v1/path/default-domain/workspaces/ws/mydocinstance and get the following JSON:
Now POST to the same API to create a new document: POST /nuxeo/api/v1/path/default-domain/workspaces/ws/mynewinstance
Up to this point, everything looks good, but the problem appears when I GET that new document, e.g. GET /nuxeo/api/v1/path/default-domain/workspaces/ws/mynewinstance and I get:
Why do the myschema:foo and myschema:bar sub-properties get ignored in JSON POSTed?
Fun, answering my own questions! k, this one took some time, but thanks to Nuxeo DM source being freely available and a debugger, I can now do what i was trying to do!
First off, the TL;DR solution: All fields in the JSON nxentity “properties” map MUST be strings, thus if you are trying to set a complex property, the JSON structure of that complex property MUST be escaped.
For example, in my examples above, I need to escape the JSON subtree of the “myschema:list” property so what gets PUT to the REST API should be:
"properties": {
"myschema:list": "[{\"foo\":\"myfoo\",\"bar\":\"mybar\"}]"
UPDATE: I'm editing my original answer since the Nuxeo folks have fixed this behavior with hotfix release nuxeo-5.8.0-HF01-1.0.0. This update should not require the treatment of the complex fields as strings.