Nuxeo api - How a user can update his own profile ?


It seems that only the users who belong to the group Administrator can update user profiles. But I would like to allow the authentified user to be able to update his own profile. How could I do that ?

I tried with the PUT request : curl -X PUT -H “Content-Type: application/json” -u userid:password -d “{ "entity-type": "user", "id":"userId", "properties":{"firstName":"John"}}” http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/user/userid

and I'm getting a 403 forbidden error : {“entity-type”:“exception”,“status”:403,“message”:“User is not allowed to edit users”}

Is there another endpoint to do that ?

Thanks in advance

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1 answers



Hi Nicolas,

To achieve your need, your user must be a member of powerusers group. The inconvenient with this approach is your user can edit all informations of any other user !!

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