Custom package fails to get zipped by mvn
I have an issue where I generated a package with a service and an operation using the nuxeo-cli tool ,but when I build it, I get an error saying
Failed to execute goal (default-build) on project case-tracker-addons-package: Error occurred while running C:\Users\<snip>\Documents\case-tracker-addons\case-tracker-addons-package\src\main\assemble\assembly.xml@138:56
-> [Help 1]
In the assembly.xml the section it references is :
<!-- Studio Registries Extraction -->
<nx:studioExtraction todir="${outdir}/marketplace">
<fileset dir="${outdir}/marketplace/install/bundles"/>
If I remove this, the zip file generates, but then does not seem to get automatically registered when I upload into studio.
How can I fix this error?
This was fixed in a newer version of the ant build plugin.
Iwas able to get it working by adding the tag
to the plugin declaration in the package pom.xml right below artifactid
I had exactly the same problem on Windows. mvn clean package
with the same code on Ubuntu worked just fine, Daniel's theory about issues with Windows paths seems to be correct.
Have you made sure you can correctly connect to You can check this post about Token Management:
And you can also check how to store the token in your Maven configuration:
I hope it helps!
[ERROR] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in opaque part at index 2: C:\Users\DDeLamare\Documents\ca se-tracker-addons\case-tracker-addons-package\target\marketplace\install\bundles\case-tracker-1-master-20200219.234536-1 -SNAPSHOT.jar [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
Which leads me to believe that the issue is with the nx:studioExtraction plugin not working with Windows paths.