Document title with single quote cannot be deleted
Using Nuxeo 5.8 platform, when I try to remove a file whose title contains a single quote, Nuxeo display the main workspace page. After some tests When clicking the delete icon of the document I got an unpexted identifier error in the console log of Chrome.
The document title contains a single quote as in “Document d'administration” whose seems to be the root cause. If I upload the same document renamed as “Document dadministration” I can delete it after.
What do you think ? bug or something else ?
Update 07.03.2014 : Sorry for my incomplete description.
Procedure is : 1) open a document with attachments 2) then Go to “Files” tab (the one where we can upload attachments or delete the existing ones) 3) try to delete an already uploaded file using the X button. (see the screenshot)
What delete icon are you clicking on? The one visible in the listing when right-clicking on the title? If so, i cannot reproduce for now.