Malformed Nuxeo download URL

Hello guys, I just start testing Nuxeo 7.3 and I have found some issues with download URL. After upload one video I try to download the video from my workspace, then, the URL change from classic nxfile to nxbigfile, and the new URL result malformed by this way (//nxbigfile/):

Then, if I delete one of the slash before nxbigfile from the URL and hit enter, the video start to download. Same thing when I publish the video and try to download the published video.

I attach error context and stack trace.

Hope can help.

Thank you in advance.

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2 answers



This is indeed a recent bug as Anahide mentioned.

Note that as a workaround you can set org.nuxeo.big.file.size.limit to a big value like 1000G so that you never get redirected to the problematic nxbigfile URL — note that this may have a small impact on server performance for big file downloads though.

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Hi, Thanks for the report, i created for this issue.

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