How to use Nuxeo DAM as a video streaming service?

Hello all,

I have an eLearning platform (PHP) in which I would like to embed videos in the courses pages.

I would like to use Nuxeo DAM as our backend tool for managing the media content and also as streaming server, and I need to clear some doubts of mine:

According to some documentation I have found on Nuxeo DAM (for CAP v5.6 RC1), it comes with video streaming capabilities, but I need to confirm this, as in the official documentation I don't seem to find any reference to it. So first question is if Nuxeo DAM (CAP 5.6) can work as a streaming server.

Also, which URL would we use to embed a video in an external page? would be the one in the export tab?

Thank you very much,


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2 answers



AFAIK Nuxeo DAM is not a video streaming service.

There are references to integration with Darwin Streaming server (open source version of Apple Quicktime Streaming server). In Nuxeo 5.5 I never got this to work and haven't tried with 5.6.

You could possibly use ffmpeg (which installs with Nuxeo on some platforms but has to be added on others) to achieve what you're looking for … see the ffmpeg site for more details.

2 votes

Hi bruce,

Thank you for your answer, I have read the link and I'll consider using ffmpeg.

However first I would like to insist once in the original question. It seems that the video preview in Nuxeo DAM is streamed, is that correct? For what I have seen, it uses the WebM codec, I was wondering if we can just reuse something there. Also somewhere it says Nuxeo DAM would offer this feature athough it were for Windows servers only …



0 votes

I modified my response above, but I think the Darwin streaming server approach may be best given that there is an existing integration. I hope to try this out myself (with Nuxeo 5.6) in the next 2-3 weeks.

Ok thanks, there is also an old reference to DSS in the forums, where it is stated that yo don't need DSS anymore. But it does not put it clear if Nuxeo DAM is streaming either: