workspace tree is wrong after migration from 5.6 to 5.7


After the migration from 5.6 to 5.7.2 my workspace tree doesn't display all the workspaces but only a few.

if I click on the root Workspaces in the left window then all the workspaces are displayed alt textcorrectly in the right window.

thank for your help

alt text

0 votes

1 answers




I have the same problem even if i use or a custom navtree-config.xml file.

i have this 2 lines in the console log when nuxeo starts

1:01:45,480 WARN [QueryModelService] Query models are deprecated as of Nuxeo 5.4 and will be removed for Nuxeo 6.0: the query model 'TREE_CHILDREN' should be upgraded to use content views 11:01:45,480 WARN [QueryModelService] Query models are deprecated as of Nuxeo 5.4 and will be removed for Nuxeo 6.0: the query model 'TREE_ORDERED_CHILDREN' should be upgraded to use content views

it's only a warning or is it the cause of my problem ?



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This is a default limitation for performance and readability purpose which I though was applied since 5.6…

Did you look at the navigation-tree-size question?
Also, give a look at the nuxeo.pageprovider.default-max-page-size property.


0 votes

The pb is not related to navigation-tree-size, it's a real bug:

-if we create 10 new workspaces, they will appear in the left tree pane.

-if we copy-paste a "missing" workspace, the new one will appear, not the old one

(we really don't understand why only those 7 workspaces appear (see screenshot), it's not time related, not alphabetical … it's not a permission pb)


Could you provide the XML export of a non displayed workspace please? And ideally also an XML export of one of the displayed workspaces

you can use to provide the exports.
