Does Nuxeo LTS 2019 work with AWS DocumentDB ?

We've made a short attempt to use Nuxeo Server LTS 2019 deployed on Docker with AWS DocumentDB which is supposed to be fully compatible with MongoDB 3.6. OK the Nuxeo documentation says “3.4 and 4.0” but I was surprised that we were not even able to connect to the DocumentDB cluster. The installation wizard went correctly through the database step, but the last step never completed and a quick look in the logs showed that Nuxeo couldn't connect to the DocumentDB cluster. We could connect from a server in the same VPC with the Mongo shell 3.6; and we can check with netcat on the Docker server that hosts Nuxeo that the port is open to the DocumentDB cluster.

Does someone use Nuxeo on AWS with DocumentDB? Any evidence that it works, or doesn't work for a reason?


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Where is your Nuxeo running? You're aware that DocumentDB is a VPC-only service and doesn't support public endpoints? But to answer the question we've never really tried doing what you do. Any feedback on the results you get would be appreciated.

Yes but we don't need public endpoints. We would need it only as a backend for Nuxeo and our own services platform (Spring Boot). In fact we're just looking for a backend that would be managed by AWS since we're not (yet) sized for 24x7 support and don't want to setup a replicated database ourselves, SQL or NoSQL. This was just a quick attempt but we couldn't connect for whatever reason.

We've spent days trying to make more or less the same setup work with a PostgreSQL back-end on AWS RDS and couldn't make it work either. So no luck until now with any replicated database backend managed by AWS.


Sorry Florent I missed one point in your answer. The Nuxeo tested was running on a Docker machine in the same VPC as the DocumentDB cluster.

Is there anybody out there, at Nuxeo or elsewhere, running Nuxeo Server with Atlas, the official MongoDB cluster managed by Mongo themselves ?

Yes we have customers running on Atlas.

And on RDS as well.

Good to know. Thank you! So there may be something we miss in our (Nuxeo-on-) Docker configuration. But I can't figure out what, and I've spent quite some time thinking about it.