ImageMagick+openoffice deamon : doens't download httpS images with nuxeo conversion to PDF


We installed ImageMagicks for images in PDF generated.

Note: —– ImageMagick: “used for preview and tiling of picture documents in the Document Management and Digital Asset Management module”; used with open office deamon.

We use image from Nuxeo resources (studio), that you can get with (nuxeo url)+/img/name.jpg in HTML document template converted to PDF.

When the URL of web site is HTTP, image html link are download by imageMagicks and converted to PDF.

When we use httpS with a referenced certificate valid, that's the drama… ImageMagicks doesn't trust the URL of HTTPS image : problem with finding certificate ? problem of configuration for https images ?

We choose to use an image in a HTTP website, but it's not a solution. Image are Ok in HTML, it's only ImageMagicks (curl ?).

Did you configure httpS for ImageMagicks ? We tested different version and also the last ImageMagick-6.8.7-0.i386


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