Migration from existing platform to Nuxeo

Currently we are using Documentum as our Web Content Management System (WCMS) with some of the tailored functions. As the expiration of support, we are now carrying out a feasibilty study to look for the possibility of migrating to other open source CMS.


Hosted Web Site:

50 Sites and more


Functions involved:

  1. Upload of SELF-DEVELOPED websites (files including: html / htm + css, js, jpg, png etc) [Mainly html files]

  2. Workflow for controlling the publish of uploaded files of SELF-DEVELOPED websites to Staging or Production Web Server

(i.e. Uploaded file (status: WIP [Work in progress]) -> Start Approval Workflow (status: Staging, uploaded to Staging Web Server for preview) -> Approved by reviewer (status: Approve & Active, publish to Production Web Server for viewing by public users)

So, there would be no direct linkage between the CMS and Web Server. The role of CMS would be storing the SELF-DEVELOPED web site and start the workflow for publishing to Staging and Production Web Server under different stages.

I have been looking for many different forums. It seems that only the website created with Nuxeo (but NOT SELF-DEVELOPED websites) could be put on the workflow for further publishing. Could any forum members and professional give me some hints if my said functions could be done with Nuxeo?

**SELF-DEVELOPED Web Site are html + js + css + jpg and could be put directly onto the Web Server, unlike those xsl + xml rendered html.


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2 answers



Thanks for your prompt reply.

So does it mean that I need to zip all the website one by one and upload to Nuxeo. Start workflow for each of the zipped file and approved the workflow for publishing?

Can I use Nuxeo for push publishing to other static web server without Nuxeo installed (i.e. existing setting: Staging and Production web server with Redhat Linux and Apache)?

“IF you want to have it full screen , just get the url used in the iframe of the preview.” What is meant by have it full screen? Does it mean that display without the upper and lower part of Nuxeo web content template?


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In Nuxeo, If you zip a satic website with an index.html page then using the preview url for that File document where the main content is the zip, it will unfold it and display the website. To do so, just drop your zip in Nuxeo Pltform, go on the preview url of the created document. IF you want to have it full screen , just get the url used in the iframe of the preview.

With the website modeled as a document , you can then use any of our workflow or publish in sections with moderation feature.

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