Migrate Nuxeo data from Orcale to PostgreSql


I'm workin in a project that consists on migrating nuxeo-5.4.1 data from Orcale to Postgresql.

Data extraction was successfully done and i've all the data well imported in my postgresql database (i've used ora2pg tool).

The probleme i'm facing now is somme weird error messages like the following:

javax.servlet.ServletException: com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.JenaException: Database created with incompatible database type for this version of Jena: Oracle

Is there any one who have faced the same the problem or have succeded such a data migration ?

Thanks for your suggestions and help !

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1 answers




After having investigated a bit Jena source code, this error seems to be raised because the DB engine type is stored in the jena_sys_stmt table. Instead of having something like "Uv::http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2003/04/DB#127_0_1_1_7c5ddcd2_14762b79ad9__7ffe";"Uv::http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2003/04/DB#EngineType";"Lv:0::PostgreSQL";0 you may have a reference to Oracle, which leads to a mismatch.


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