Add Faceted Search from Studio in Nuxeo 5.6

I see that I can flag a content view in studio but that is not working if I deploy it. How can I do it work ?

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1 answers



I see that is working in 5.7 and to make it work in 5.6 here is the solution I found.

I contributed this XML in Advanced Settings > XML Extensions

 <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager"
   <layout name="faceted_search_default_selectors">
        <template mode="any">

    <layout name="faceted_search_default_actions">
        <template mode="any">

Then I added this following layout in Resources > Layouts

Finally I added this as first Widget in my content view form

Generic Widget
  Hide Label: checked
  Fields: #{layoutValue}
  Widget Type: layout
  layout mode: search
  custom property configuration: name / faceted_search_default_selectors

And as last widget in my content view form

Generic Widget
  Hide Label: checked
  Fields: #{layoutValue}
  Widget Type: layout
  layout mode: search
  custom property configuration: name / faceted_search_default_actions

Hope this will help someone else.

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