hotfix Nuxeo 5.6.0-HF30 - Add new facets "MasterPublishSpace" and "PublishSpace"


On the hotfix Nuxeo 5.6.0-HF30, you added new facets “MasterPublishSpace” and “PublishSpace” to document type “SectionRoot” and “Section”, I find the idea very well but you should say before installation in production.

Because I redefined these types of documents in Nuxeo Studio, and not having the facets. I wasn't able published in Nuxeo. The Tree of publication did not appear …. :(

After the installation :

alt text

After modification in Nuxeo Studio :

alt text

I added the facets in Studio and everything works again

Document Facets Registry Editor :

  facets: [
      id: "MasterPublishSpace", 
      description: "Facet MasterPublishSpace pour les sectionroots",
      id: "PublishSpace", 
      description: "Facet PublishSpace pour les sections",
2 votes

1 answers



Thanks for sharing this, we had the same issue with HF30.

Yes sorry, Studio will soon display meaningful warnings for this issue.


your analysis is correct and actually HF30 is in advance to Studio, where a task, NXS-1800, is open to expose these facets (and add validation in case Section or SectionRoot are overriden).

Thank you for noticing this issue,


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