BUG on workflow Assignees in nuxeo studio


I'm stuck on a bug in nuxeo studio interface.

We are using “grouper” convention naming group that is app:appName:groupOfMe

The problem is about workflow in Nuxeo Studio.

You are supposed to use group:nameOfMyGroup for “assignees” on a task. Nevertheless, this field is not cut as it should be. It should, cut “user:” or “group:” and get the other part of the field. But the field is too much cut in the interface and my grouper-based-named is cut by Studio in “app” shortest name and wrong name….

If no “group:” used, it's not a group in nuxeo. If group is used impossible to get the write name with nuxeo studio interpretation. Try to escape the “:” but no way it's always and always cut with this separator…

If i'm not using the “group:” and only “groupName”. Then if the group can see the task, it has no right on it like that : http://answers.nuxeo.com/questions/6026/bug-on-workflow-document-rights

Do you have a solution ?


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2 answers



Indeed, there is a bug when using as a task assignees a groupname containing “:“, I opened https://jira.nuxeo.com/browse/NXP-11833 to fix it.

1 votes

thanks you very much

Hello, I installed the 2 patch 20. nevertheless, I still got the problem because in the interface on a task I still read "is assigned to myfirstpartofmygroup" :-(

And the error message is still "User with id 'myid' cannot end this task"



Did you try on a new workflow ?

Yes I started I new workflow document. I saw that in the "worflow tab" it's the good "group name" but in the workflow task it's the wrong one and it's this one that make the exception. thanks


Have you tried using the “Multiple prefixed user/group suggestion” widget type to set assignees? The prefix “group:” or “user:” will be handled in by the widget.

0 votes

Hello, thank you for this answer. The assignee group is still the same so I used the field "assignee" on the task-node of the worflow. I used the group name appName:groupOfMe, because I can't prefix it by "group:". Did I miss something ? thanks