Can I use a single domain for document management and social collaboration ?
Is it possible to delete the Collaboration domain and move its types to the default domain ? Ideally we should be able to use all the DM types in a social workspace and have social workspaces in the default domain.
I managed to get Social Workspaces in the default domain so it solves half of the problem.
Basically I :
- Contributed to the “types” extension point of org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.types.TypeService to add SocialWorkspace as a subtype of Domain
- Contributed to the “filters” extension point of org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.actions.ActionService to append a rule to the “create” filter granting AddChildren permission to the type Domain (this display the “New” action button when viewing the default domain).
- Changed the “socialWorkspaceContainer” path by contributing to its extension point in I changed if to /default-domain to make it work with the default domain. (This configures this aa the target for new social workspaces created using the Collaboration tab.)
You can find the result here :
Just copy this to your nxserver/config and remove the Collaboration domain.
Hi Nelson,
This is something we'd like to have but it requires a lot of refactoring. You can follow those changes on this Jira:
I was also thinking of using the TypeService to add the SocialWorkspace as a subtype of Domain. This should at least allow having Social Workspaces in the default domain, no?