charts in Search Analytics are not displayed

I'm using Nuxeo, 7.10 I'm trying to set a chart that shows the number of documents created every month. I've read here that this is already exist in Nuxeo and i should find different charts on Admin Tab > Activity Section. But mine is empty. There is no chart displayed. Should I activate some bundle to get it working ? In the console, i can see the following error :

undefined Polymer._handleError @ elements.vulcanized.html:19208

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Introuvable)
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1 answers




Yes, you are right, Nuxeo 7.10 provides some really nice dashboards out of the box. These are built with a set of custom elements, built with Polymer, which should also allow you to easily build your own. This data visualization currently relies on the Elasticsearch HTTP Passthrough to do the necessary aggregations and computations and looking at the 404 you ran into it seems your passthrough is not properly set up. You can take a look at the documentation on this topic to get it working with your standalone ES. There is also documentation available here on how Data Visualization works, especially interesting if you're looking to build your own.

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