Document preview


My nuxeo instance is configured to use Libreoffice and Poppler. Today I tried various use cases :

1- import a ODT file directly
2- create a document and import a main file
3- create a document and add an attachment

I'm not really sure about the terms I just used (main file and attachment : in french it's about 'Fichier principal' / 'Pièces jointes').

My results are :
1 and 2- I don't have the “eye” (preview) when my ODT is as main file 3- the same file is OK : the preview is available. (the eye icon is displayed).

So I have another question : after the poppler installation (or so I think) the preview windows for both ODT files and PDF) is quite not useful. See above. Large width and small pages … (no pun please :) )

And to finish, why don't I have the preview available for WORD files ? No preview but PDF conversion works fine.

thanks a lot François

Update 1 : Sorry. Using the top action button ('Plus' in French I have access to the Preview action … Is it the only way to preview the main file ? Is there a way to have the “eye” icon beside the file ?

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