undefined appended to body unfold workspaces IE

Hi There,

I'm using nuxeo 5.8 HF8.

In IE undefined appears at the end of the html body when the workspaces are unfolded by clicking the small “+” in the navigation tree (left menu).

Is this a bug?

EDIT: It also appears on the Admin center

EDIT 2 Sure, I'm using IE 11. It is also appearing at lts.nuxeo.com The undefined tag is really at the end of the body html tag as you can see it the pictures:

alt text alt text

alt text

Thanks in advance, Bauke Roo

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1 answers




Can you add precision about the IE version, and possibly add a screenshot where you inspect this "undefined" label ?

Do you have this behavior with lts.nuxeo.com ?



Thanks for the feedback, I edited the starting post :-)

No problem, thanks to you for taking the time to do it. We'll add an answer in the ticket when we will work on it.


I've created a ticket here https://jira.nuxeo.com/browse/NXP-14028 since it's a bug to resolve. The next bugday session will be held before the 5.9.3 FT Release, your ticket may be a good candidate for this session. Then the fix will be backported in the 5.8 LTS as quick as we can.

Thanks a lot for the report, sorry in advance to not giving you a quick solution for now.

0 votes

Thanks for the feedback and creating a ticket! :-)