Newbie/Débutant, how to add nuxeo sdk, can't find the folder with "bin" and "nxserver" as suggested in the documentation

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Newbie, how to add nuxeo sdk, can't find the folder with “bin” and “nxserver” as suggested in the documentation:

In section :Installing a downloaded distribution.

Step 3 say's: Select the directory where you unzipped your Nuxeo distribution. Be sure to select the right directory: the one containing the bin and nxserver directories.

I have tried to find the directory containing both the bin and nxserver unsuccessfully. Even tried this command in the folder where I unzip the skd: find -name “bin” -and -name “nxserver”

  • EDIT: *
    Thanks to Brian and Florent… But, I probably forgot to tell wath eclipse his saying… In Eclipse, Windows –­­» Preferences –» Nuxeo –» Nuxeo SDK –» Import (button). I then select the directory where I have unzipped the Nuxeo SDK that I downloaded at the address in the documentation “”. I get this error: Not a valid Nuxeo SDK Not a Nuxeo SDK: /home/myuser/NuxeoSDK

Help, PHil

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find -name "bin" -or -name "nxserver"

Brain is right. But also that's simply the directory where you've unzipped your Nuxeo distribution.