How to install Nuxeo Platform only from command line for a server without GUI ?

Hello everybody,

I installed Nuxeo for local testing on my machine. The tests were conclusive. So I would like to install Nuxeo Platform 9.1. Only when I installed it on my computer, there was a small interface to enter the bind address, the port and the database. I used this site for installation:

As I will install it in production on a server without GUI, I wanted to know if there was a method because I did not see anything on the official documentation or on the internet.

Thank you for the information.

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1 answers




You can disable the wizard if you want, by adding to your nuxeo.conf : nuxeo.wizard.done=true Here's some documentation about wizard:

You may also have a look at nuxeo.conf parameters and probably the templates.

Let me know if you have trouble.

2 votes

Thank you for your answer So if I understood correctly, I do the same installation except that after installing Nuxeo through this line: sudo apt-get install nuxeo, I change this line: nuxeo.wizard.done = true

Then, I put the parameters directly in "vi" on the file nuxeo.conf

Is it well summarized?


It is, just install nuxeo and edit its configuration file in order to have your production environment ready.

Additional remark: nuxeoctl config is preferred to a direct edit of nuxeo.conf (see