Nuxeo drive option to get a feedback of a successful live-edit.

Is it possible to add an option in Nuxeo Drive to inform the user of a successful update when saving a document under live-edit?

Live-edit transparently download the document for the user to edit.

A watchdog automatically upload the document when a save is detected.

If the upload fails, the user may be not aware of it; If he tries to edit the document again with live-edit the local modification will be lost. To avoid that i propose that the watchdog systematically shows a message on a successful update. The absence of such a message will warn the user of a potentiel data loss.

I have some users who lost the synchronization because of a failed autoupdate and never noticing it until they reedited some document and realized they lost their modifications.

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1 answers



Hello François,

You request has been taken into account and it will be effective starting with Drive beta 3.0.4 (NXDRIVE-1072).

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