Building JAX-RS Application in Nuxeo
I'm just trying to build a simple app that can handle get requests. I created an empty bundle by following
Now if I want to do something like the example at, I need to have a few things from* included. Where do I put the jar (jsr311-api-1.1-ea.jar) and how do I add it as a dependency?
Right now, I'm getting errors like: package does not exist
Seems this documentation is a bit deprecated and you can speed up your work following this.
In fact, you:
- create the empty webengine project
- Go directly to the JAX-RS Resource Templating Section in the documentation you tried to follow.
Hope this helps.
I need to add the nuxeo-automation-client jar to my project. In eclipse, it doesn't show an error when I refer to classes like HttpAutomationClient in my JAX-RS application. However, during runtime, I get the following error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/nuxeo/ecm/automation/client/jaxrs/impl/HttpAutomationClient.
How do I add the jar to the project properly?