Upgrading from 5.4.2 to 5.5

Is it possible to upgrade Nuxeo DM 5.4.2 to 5.5?

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5 answers



What the migration does, basically:

  • stop nuxeo-dm and overwrite its init script with a “sorry, disabled” script
  • if you chose the “autoconfigure PostgreSQL” in 5.4.2, rename the db and user, otherwise just point to whatever you had configured.
  • if you're using the default data directory, move it to the new location and change its ownership, otherwise just change the ownership of your custom location

Of course, if you prefer to do it manually, you can! :D

1 votes

Note: if you want to see the script that is used for the migration, it should be in "/usr/lib/nuxeo/internal/migrate-from-pre55" on the machine on which you installed the 5.5 version.

The migration from 5.4.2 to 5.5 should be transparent. You can take a look to our upgrade page here where you'll find the upgrade notes.

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what would happen to specific configurations? I'm mostly thinking about authentication (LDAP & co) here

We try as much as possible to keep backward compatibility when we change configuration format. I haven't seen any 'real' changes. We've only added new possibilities so you should be fine :)

Specific configuration must be set in nuxeo.conf and, if needed, in a custom template.<br> When upgrading, as you do for data, you set the new Nuxeo to point at your custom nuxeo.conf and, if relevant, custom template. So the configuration is kept and forward compliant, as for the data.<br> In case of specific actions to perform while upgrading, this is explained in the upgrade notes

Ok, I'll answer myself here (tested on a spare machine) : when apt-get install'ing 'nuxeo', it asks if we want to migrate data from detected previous nuxeo-dm installation. Sounds great, but I'm not brave enough to test said migration yet ;)

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What would be the upgrade path for Debian users? Installing 'nuxeo' instead of 'nuxeo-dm', and then pointing the data directory, database and all back to the old locations?

Or is there something more straightforward?

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I ve just installed the Nuxeo 5.5 and set the data nxserver/data directory to my old installation (5.4.2) and it seems is working ok, except for the nuxeo-platform-ocr module, I will try to recompile it again

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