Nuxeo 5.5 Admin Center Issue
Just upgraded 5.4.2 to 5.5-RC1 and the theme looks fine on the Document Management pages, but in the admin center the header links and overall theme is broken. All of the links are white and cannot be seen except for the link for my currently logged in user's name. Is this a known issue?
It seems like in the admin center you're still using the old theme, referencing presets that are not there anymore. In 5.5 default themes do not declare CSS information anymore, so we removed the corresponding presets. This reference might be kept by a custom theme, if you used the theme editor. Can you try removing (after backup) the directory at server_home/nxserver/data/themes, restart the server and check again?
I just did about an hour ago, and still am experiencing the same problem. Breaks on Firefox and Chrome. Looks like it might have something to do with the table that is the header, and the line:
.nxStyle1556971572SectionFrame {
background: “topbar (Galaxy Admin backgrounds)“;
which is crossed out by the browser.
(continuation char limit reached)
stackTrace : javax.servlet.ServletException: Error while rendering [THEME lime_design_lime_design, PAGE default, ENGINE default, TEMPLATE jsf-facelets, PERSPECTIVE default, MODE *]
Caused by: Error while rendering [THEME lime_design_lime_design, PAGE default, ENGINE default, TEMPLATE jsf-facelets, PERSPECTIVE default, MODE *]
at org.nuxeo.theme.protocol.nxtheme.Connection.getInputStream(
When I started the server with postgresql 8.3 there was an error in the log and the admin panel looked strange and eventually kept throwing error pages.
So I went through the process on backing up databases, uninstalling 8.3, installing 8.4 and then re-creating and restoring databases.
And then everything worked happily.
Don't know if this is an issue, but you may want to retry the upgrade with the actual 5.5 release available today. Download. Release Overview.