The Display email in user suggestions plugin doesnt work when looking for user for task assignation.

Display email in user suggestions plugin doesnt work in workflow

In Nuxeo 5.6 HF 24

The Display email in user suggestions plugin doesnt work when looking for user for task assignation.

Is it a known bug ?

I also remark that this Nuxeo plugin is mark Target platforms cap-5.5, cap-5.6

Is this fonctionnality available “natively” in 5.7 or 5.8 ? this fonctionnality is very useful in case of homonymy


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1 answers




I just tried and it works. The only weird thing is that user needs to have firstname and lastname set to get the email displayed.

In 5.8, suggestion widgets have quite changed since the are now based on select2 but it is still possible to display the email in user suggestions adding the property

<property name="displayEmailInSuggestion">true</property>

on the related widgets (which actually does the plugin in question by overwriting the widget/layout contrib).

As far as I know, there is no plan to release this plugin for 5.8. Indeed, overwriting layouts/widgets is a bad practice because this could prevent some hot fixes from applying.

I am just thinking that we could provide a runtime property that would force to display email in user suggestion. I understand that in big organizations, homonyms are quiet common.

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FYI, you can track info about such feature at