How to create several project in nuxeo studio

Hi people,

I have 3 instances of Nuxeo platforms dedicated to different uses.

1) One for the Open Archive.

version used : Nuxeo 5.8 HF40

2) One for the university staff to share the minutes of meetings, administrative documents etc.

version used : Nuxeo 7.10 HF11

3) One for a financial project called “Budget and Public Accounting Management”.

version used : Nuxeo 7.10 HF11

I have to define different document types and different graphic charts and that for the both version of Nuxeo 7.10 and 5.8.

So, How can I can create several projects in Nuxeo Studio ?

Best regards

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1 answers



Hello Mohamed,

Thank you for your question, Astrid from our sales team will contact you shortly to bring you the details about how to access new Nuxeo Studio projects.

Kind regards

0 votes

Hi Sébastien,

Thank you for this quick answer. Do you need my contact information ?
