Is it possible to make a template for permissions?

We can set permissions on a document from the permissions tab. There we get a dialog box asking us for the users/groups, permission type and time range. Suppose, I want the permission as {users/groups : user1,user2,user2, access : read, time_range : no_range}. Is it possible to somehow save it as a template, so that I could just select the template, while setting permission to another document, without going through the same procedure of filling the form with different users, permission level and time range?

I think the answer is no. What kind of changes it would require in the ACL models to make this possible?

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1 answers



JSF UI has Workspace Templates that males this possible.

Seems it has not been ported to Web UI (yet).

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It seems like these templates are for workspaces. I want to create a template for permissions, so that when I click the Permissions tab I could just select the template, which contains the preset info about the users and permissions, and set without rewriting.