Uninstalling nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.0.0 issues?

Uninstallation of Nuxeo 5.6.0-HF02 (nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.0.0) is not possible Some errors were found when checking the package. Uninstall process can not continue.

MD5 check failed. File: /development/nuxeo5.6/nuxeo-cap-5.6-tomcat/templates/common-base/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml has changed since its backup
MD5 check failed. File: /development/nuxeo5.6/nuxeo-cap-5.6-tomcat/bin/nuxeo-launcher.jar has changed since its backup

How can I get things back to “normal” so I can install nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.1.0?

My latest update from Studio need HF02-1.1.0 and I can't uninstall HF02-1.0.0.

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2 answers



if HF02-1.1.0 is installed, everything is ok. Just need to remove the package HF02-1.0.0

HF02-1.1.0 is NOT installed, I cannot install this HF. The installation of HF02-1.1.0 appears to go ok, but on restart there is no change. HF02-1.0.0 remains installed and the error above is generated.

It appears my issue was pointing a non-IDE running instance of Nuxeo to data files of a data base created with the Nuxeo IDE under Eclipse. If I create a new database for the non-IDE instance of Nuxeo everything seems ok.

Does this make sense?

0 votes

It makes sense: Marketplace packages' state is managed in the data directory. Trying to uninstall a package from an instance on which it was not actually installed but which data states the package is installed leads to such issues.

I could not reproduce with installing nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.0.0 then upgrading to nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.1.0. Anyway, you can still manually change the MD5 references to help nuxeoctl uninstall HF02-1.0.0.

First check the current status. You're supposed to have nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.0.0 installed (status “started”):

$ ./bin/nuxeoctl mp-list
Local packages:
hotfix     started  nuxeo-5.6.0-HF00 (id: nuxeo-5.6.0-HF00-1.0.0)
hotfix     started  nuxeo-5.6.0-HF01 (id: nuxeo-5.6.0-HF01-1.0.0)
hotfix     started  nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02 (id: nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.0.0)
hotfix  downloaded  nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02 (id: nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.1.0)

Then, look at the expected MD5:

$ grep md5 nxserver/data/packages/store/nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.0.0/uninstall.xml 
  <copy file="${env.server.home}/nxserver/data/packages/store/nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.0.0/backup/03057bc84b1a78edafb904d64471dbbb_web.xml" tofile="${env.server.home}/templates/common-base/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml" overwrite="true" md5="bc818ade81e1dc20f718e3fd8b58164b"/>
  <copy file="${env.server.home}/nxserver/data/packages/store/nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.0.0/backup/58c260e0b69feebc8175947e3d6b9b7f_nuxeo-launcher.jar" tofile="${env.server.home}/bin/nuxeo-launcher.jar" overwrite="true" md5="14a1fc8ec082d53b312c2e37130b5dad"/>

Obviously, for an unknown reason, in your case the MD5 of templates/common-base/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml won't be equal to bc818ade81e1dc20f718e3fd8b58164b.

Edit nxserver/data/packages/store/nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.0.0/uninstall.xml and replace both md5 parameters with the actual MD5 sum of the two corresponding files (templates/common-base/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml and bin/nuxeo-launcher.jar).

Now, you must be able to upgrade nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.0.0 with nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.1.0:

$ ./bin/nuxeoctl mp-install nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.1.0 --accept=true
Dependency resolution:
  Installation order: nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.1.0
  Packages to upgrade: nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02:1.0.0
Uninstalling nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.0.0
Dependency resolution:
  Installation order: nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.1.0
Installing nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.1.0

Check the final status:

$ ./bin/nuxeoctl mp-list
Local packages:
hotfix     started  nuxeo-5.6.0-HF00 (id: nuxeo-5.6.0-HF00-1.0.0)
hotfix     started  nuxeo-5.6.0-HF01 (id: nuxeo-5.6.0-HF01-1.0.0)
hotfix  downloaded  nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02 (id: nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.0.0)
hotfix     started  nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02 (id: nuxeo-5.6.0-HF02-1.1.0)

Note: simply ignore “Missing mapping…” and “Could not rollback version…” messages.

0 votes

Thank your for the tesing help Julien! See below.