What kind of customizations can be done with NUXEO DAM?

Hi I am very new to nuxeo and would like to know more about customizations.

1- Can we customize the NUXEO DAM without the Nuxeo Studio?

2 - is it possible to put a youtube frame(or any other frame/element) anywhere in the page?

3- Does it require to rebuild the source code?

4- What are the requirements does the developer need to do the customizations?

On my enterprize we have a mysql/php/javascript/css/c++ developer.

5 - Is it enough? Or I should hire a java developer?

Best regards

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1 answers



Hi, Let me answer your question one by one.

  1. Yes. You can customize the view of DAM without using studio. For that, you need to create your bundle and deploy.
  2. and 3. Yes. You can do it by embedding frame code in Source code of Nuxeo. Once you do any changes in source code, rebuild it or Use Nuxeo IDE.
  3. Most of the customizations can be done through XML, XHTML and basic java knowledge. As Nuxeo is built on JSF, proper knowledge on JSF would be better.
  4. Source code contains huge Maven projects. And proper knowledge on Maven, JAVA will serve your purpose.

Thanks, Pradeep P Bhat

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