How to stop a Windows APP CRASH Dialog Appearing if thumbnail creation fails?

We are using a Nuxeo Server running on a Windows Server to store our digital assets and are generating thumbnails of images and other content.

Our problem is that if the thumbnail generation tasks fails (for example because there is no image delegate for the image format) a APPCRASH dialog appears on the server and blocks the thumbnail processing until it is manually closed. Only the nuxeo service behaves this way. Running the exact same command at a command prompt does not trigger the display of an APPCRASH dialog.

Our Nuxeo server a 5.7.2 release and it is running interactively via the nuxeo control panel.

Any ideas how I can stop nuxeo's thumbnail generation from triggering an APPCRASH dialog when thumbnail generation fails.

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We have no idea what an app crash dialog is. Could you provide screenshot or logs of the actual errors you see?