Connect server refused authentication (returned 401)

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with the Nuxeo 2021 lts (2021.1.19)

I don't have any hotfixes installed My instance is already registered but it is no longer possible to check the status of my subscription. When I try to display the list of updates, or the “nuxeo online service” menu or whatever: I always get the following message in the logs:

2022-08-25T12:10:19,829 WARN [http-nio-] [org.nuxeo.connect.client.status.ConnectStatusHolder] Cannot authenticate against Nuxeo Online Services
org.nuxeo.connect.connector.ConnectSecurityError: Connect server refused authentication (returned 401)

I have checked the date and time on my system and it is correct (I am on Europe/Paris timezone). What should I do to solve this problem which prevents me from doing anything on my instance.


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