Nuxeo 5.5 preview not working for Powerpoint 2010 files


I'm using Nuxeo 5.5 and receive an error error message when select preview option for Microsoft Powerpoint 2010 files:

Error received:

… Preview can not be generated for this document

Blob path: default org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.preview.api.PreviewException: Error during conversion …

For Powerpoint 2007 files the preview option works ok.

Thanks in advance.

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1 answers




I could not reproduce this with our intranet. I've used ppt or pptx from Microsoft Powerpoint 2010 and don't have any errors. We use OpenOffice 3.2.0 on nuxeo 5.5 .

Could you give us the version of office installed on your server and the full error stack trace? And if you could gave us a failing ppt file that would be perfect :)


0 votes

The problem is for Powerpoint 2010 files uploaded with the "drag and drop" plug in for Firefox. When I upload a Powerpoint 2010 file using the "New document" button the preview option works ok.

I uploaded Excel and Word 2010 files with "drag and drop" Firefox plugin and the preview option works ok too. The problem its only with PowerPoint 2010 files.

