Nuxeo widget disable

Hi :) In domain ,in content Tab i have created a button.If i activate the development mode and point to this button it says it is an Action and gives the id of the action.That's okey for now.Next to the content Tab i have created a new Tab.The problem is that the button is also shown to this new tab,but now with the development mode activated when i point to this button it says it is a Widget and gives the id of the widget.The question is how can I disable this widget .I have searched but i haven't found nothing

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1 answers




I think your new action TAB has the same link than TAB_CONTENT. This link is document_content.xhtml template that it contains the subview <ui:include src="/incl/document_actions.xhtml" />.

One solution might be, update your link xhtml template for the new action tab removing the document_actions.xhtml and button will disappear.

Hope this help.

Regards, VS.

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