Nuxeo Drive client 4.x asking to downgrade to 3.x version

My nuxeo servers are on http (not https). Nuxeo Drive client's version is 4.2.0.

The Nuxeo Drive client works fine with a local machine nuxeo server, but it gives an error on a distant server: it demands to install the 3.x client version. Is this related to http-only access?

How to configure the 4.x client to use http only?


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1 answers



In the account settings, why the server url cannot be changed ?

This is not a HTTPS thing. It is asking you to downgrade because the distant server is not up-to-date. Drive requires a minimum of hotfixes to work correctly. You can see that information here:

So, upgrading either to the latest available HF (which is always the good thing to do) or just installing the minimum required HF will unlock your situation.

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Thanks for your answer. My server was of 10.10-HF11 version which is just fine as per the doc page. But I also had the JSF UI module of version 10.10 deployed on it. May be this was causing issue.

After that, I still have a problem with http/https. I'll put in a another question describing the case and the drive client behavior..
