Corrupt nuxeo-drive.db
I have many problems with window´s nuxeo client synchronization (2.1.12). My plataform it´s 8.3 installed on debían. The file of nuxeo drive database (especially on laptops) gets corrupted shortly after installing nuxeo-drive. This file its on /users/programfiles/.nuxeo/xxxxxxxxxx.db. The only way to solve the problema ít´s resync all document again (this take serveral time for users).
Sorry Mickaël this log file it´s from laptop with beta version 2.4.5 and this version don´t fix the error. However I have another laptop with 2.1.1221 whit same sync problema. I upload the file for more information. Thanks.
Yes of corse. I Split de file because its too long
IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: States.remote_ref, States.remote_parent_ref
errors. You are using an old Drive version. We fixed that bug in more recent versions, but it is still not available to the public (you can install it by checking the beta channel in the options, be warnied that it is a development version). A new official version should be delivered very soon.There isn´t error messages . The icon of nuxeo-client don´t stop to flashing. There are document pending to sync but the program don´t download this document. The contents of the database states table have fields in unknown and desynchronized. Only happens with users who own a laptop.