Force install to use drive other than C for all components

I was doing an installation of Nuxeo DM on Windows 2008 and selected E:/NuxeoDM as the target installation directory. And then in the initial configuration process I selected E:/NuxeoData/data and /logs as defaults. All well and good, except the registry still has a point to the default C:/ProgramData/Nuxeo DM directory for config and file (and maybe temp files as well).

Is there a way or should I have done something differently to not end up with residual pointers to C:/ProgramData/Nuxeo DM? If not should i create a Jira ticket for this?

A quick regedit of the HKLM Nuxeo DM key parameter Config File rectified the sitation and then I manually moved my nuxeo.conf file to the bin directory on E:.

Cheers, Bruce.

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2 answers



With the launcher of Nuxeo you have the central point of the nuxeo.conf file that stores all your specific parameters against the Nuxeo instance (database location, logs location, smtp configuration, …)

We explain how the launcher looking for this file here:

So there is no residual pointer to this location after your registry modification.

2 votes

I saw the default handling of the priority of NUXEO_CONF in the start-up files (didn't see the documentation - went right to the source!). Really my point is the initial install process should set the registry entry to your target drive/location, without the need for the hack afterwards. Either expose another parameter during install or simply select the same drive/path as for the Nuxeo install itself.

Cheers, Bruce.



“C:/ProgramData/Nuxeo DM” is the default location provided by Windows (%APPDATA%) where an application must store its data. That's also true for temporary files, you're right.

You may create a Jira issue asking for a new feature in the Windows installer, allowing to choose the location of nuxeo.conf during the install.

1 votes
