Problem when I change url from localhost to my ip

I changed my url from localhost to my ip: now I cannot see gadgets on my dashboard and when I try to navigate to my profile or some other link of the userspace, I am redirected to the mai page of DM … in server log:

ERROR [nuxeo-error-log] Request Attributes:

nuxeo.disable.redirect.wrapper : true user_message : È avvenuto un errore inaspettato NuxeoExceptionHandlerMarker : true securityError : false exception_message : Connection reset by peer: socket write error stackTrace :

ERROR [org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.web.common.exceptionhandling.DefaultNuxeoExceptionHandler] Cannot forward to error page: response is already committed

Is it a problem of my application or is there some security issue?

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1 answers



Please always specify your Nuxeo version.

I couldn't reproduce your issue on Nuxeo 5.5, nor on Nuxeo 5.4.2.


Make sure you change “nuxeo.bind.address” to “” (or your ip), otherwise, your gadgets will get attached to and won't be available.

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