Install nuxeo-platform-ocr Add-on on windows

I was looking for a way to implement an OCR system with Nuxeo, found this Add-on Nuxeo Ocr before I can deploy the project I need to install many dependecies the problem is the commands are on Linux, and I'm using Windows as server.

Any thoughts

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1 answers



This project hasn't changed for five years and there is no short/mid term improvements scheduled.

I believe tesseract remains a reference open source engine (there are few in that field). There is an exe for tesseract

So you can also easily write a commandline using the commandline service of Nuxeo Platform and then call this commandline from a work that will be ran asynchroneously.

One of the challenges is to know what you want to do with the ocr: decorate the pdf (you might need to use pdfbox lib), display it in overlay in a custom UI, etc..

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Alain ESCAFFRE Thank you for your feedback. It would be awesome if there's an example using commandline service and works. I checked the documentation I can't find any/