IPTC metadata in nuxeo 7.10 and make it searchable by the platform

IPTC metadata in nuxeo 7.10 and make it searchable by the platform?

You guys will mention the documentation https://doc.nuxeo.com/display/NXDOC/Binary+Metadata but it is not helpful! it is not clear at all!!! I noticed that the nuxeo platform used to have the IPTC metadata, but for some reason they got rid of it! I think this is a bug.

1 votes

2 answers



IPTC is media metadata concept, and is part of the DAM package. Did you install DAM?

I did install the nuxeo DAM, and when I import an image that has IPTC metadata ( added using Adobe Bridge, specifically: Creator, Description, Copyright Notice, Keywords, City, State, Country, Phone, Email, Website ) nothing shows up!! Only EXIF shows up?

Sorry to revoke old thread. Facing exactly the same issue. Can someone tell me how to import custom EXIF data. Tried following Binary metadata documents but no success.Changes are not reflected.

0 votes

Hello Oabuassad,

First of all, can you tell us why this documentation is not helpful ?

Then, as you can see in the same documentation, IPTC has been removed: https://doc.nuxeo.com/display/NXDOC/Binary+Metadata#BinaryMetadata-DefaultContribution

Don't hesitate to read it once again.

  • IPTC schema has been removed from document type Picture
  • Only IPTC:Source, IPTC:CopyrightNotice, IPTC:Description are stored respectively into dc:source, dc:rights and dc:description.
  • Widget summary_picture_iptc has been removed from document summary
  • Mistral engine is removed from metadata extraction of the Nuxeo Platform
  • EXIF mapping remains identical

You can of course customize very easily your metadata and put back IPTC or other any extra schema (always by following this documentation).

Best regards.

0 votes

and that's why the documentation is not helpful! because it says that -IPTC schema has been removed from the document type Picture -Only IPTC:Source, IPTC:CopyrightNotice, IPTC:Description are stored respectively into dc:source, dc:rights and dc:description. -Widget summary_picture_iptc has been removed from document summary

then what?! why it has been removed? How to get these info back if it's needed? The IPTC:Source, IPTC:CopyrightNotice, IPTC:Description are not really helpful without the rest (Keywords, City, State, Country, Phone, Email, Website)?!


"then what?!"

Then you can customize yourself very easily your metadata. You can add more than IPTC. It's very convenient for most of our customers.

"why it has been removed?"

It has been removed because people doesn't need those metadata in general for most of our use cases. Youre the first user to ask for it in this free forum as far as I know. The IPTC metadata we kept are helpful for most of our customers.

"How to get these info back if it's needed?"

By following the documentation to customize your metadata as I told you. And as your way to ask and report a need on a free forum is nice and welcome, I can advise you to run an ExifTool command to know which IPTC to add back in a contribution. Still by following the documentation.

If you have any feedback on it i will be very glad to correct it. If you need more information could you please send us a sample of your image? I will send you back the IPTC metadata you need to add.

Thank you


At last, don't hesitate for future migration to see https://nuxeo.github.io/releasenotes/. You can avoid surprises in your case.

As Nuxeo is fully open source and license free, this forum is free and so of course if you need more customer support, don't hesitate to see our offers here: http://www.nuxeo.com/products/pricing/. You can contact us for consulting and training here as well: http://www.nuxeo.com/about/contact/
