Access Personal Workspace through CMIS


I am using Nuxeo as multi tenant system and want to access my personal workspace through CMIS query. So, please help me with the query to access the same.

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1 answers



@Florent: Sorry for the trouble. Can you help me to query my personal workspace through Nuxeo CMIS.

What have you tried and what didn't work? CMIS has full access to all the workspaces you have access to.

HI, **/atom/cmis/domain name/folder/tenant id. I tried with this url and it showed me the normal workspace not the personal one. So, there may be some different url format. So, please let me know.

What's the URL of the personal workspace you want to access when you get to it through the regular Nuxeo web interface?

Hi, Sorry for late reply. Below is the Url when I am accessing my personal workspace. If possible let me know if I can access it through CMIS.



Hi, I'm not using the tenant feature, but I guess it will work correspondingly there. The point is, that you cannot “navigate” from the entry point “default-domain” to the personal workspaces similar to the Nuxeo Web-UI, where you also cannot navigate from the tree view of the shared workspaces to the personal workspace but have to switch to it using the main menu. I haven't found the right path in the documentation. However, you can easily guess it from the URL in the Web UI. In my case it was /default-domain/UserWorkspaces/username In your case it seems that you have the tenant ID between domain and UserWorkspaces. The rest should be the same. I was using Apache Chemistry CMIS Workbench to find out. It was very helpful. Hope that helps. René

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