How can I execute a javascript function when clicking an action?
I have an action of type “bare_link”, and I would like to execute a javascript function when the user clicks on the link, so I can register the event on the Audit Logs.
I've seen that bare_link type actions are supposed to have a property called “onclick” to execute JS functions:
I've tried adding the onclick property in two ways, but none of them worked.
Test 1:
<action id="actionId" link="#{actionBean.method()}" type="bare_link"
label="label" icon="/icons/icon.png" order="150" onclick="alert('AAAA')">
Test 2:
<action id="actionId" link="#{actionBean.method()}" type="bare_link"
label="label" icon="/icons/icon.png" order="150">
<property name="onclick">alert('AAAA')</property>
I have searched in the Nuxeo code and I have seen that the property is never used.
Does it work? Am I doing something wrong? Is there any other way to achieve what I want?
Thank you very much in advance, Ibai