Nuxeo 9.3 or 9.10 Platform not showing various tabs

Unable to find various tabs of default Nuxeo Platform view of 9.2, not visible in 9.3 or 9.10.

PFA for reference, items marked in yellow not available and by default always it opens up WEB UI GUI. Is there any settings need to be done in 9.3 or 9.10 installation to get various tabs of Platforms like , HOME, Workspace, SEARCH, WEBUI and Admin on TOP bar.

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2 answers



This UI is provided by the JSF-UI. With 9.10 and apparently 9.3 they set the WebUI as the default GUI. Therefore to enable JSF-UI again you need to remove the WebUI package (nuxeoctl mp-remove …). It's probably not a good solution, but it's a way to accomplish it.

I experimented a little bit with the URLs and found out that you can access JSF-UI by using the following URL: <Nuxeo host>/nuxeo/nxhome/default/@view_home. This works at least for the 9.10 Docker version.

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I installed my nuxeo instance on Ubuntu 16.04 with apt-get install nuxeo but I can not run nuxeoctl mp-install nuxeo-jsf-ui I get “Registration required” and I hate this Web UI. I don't know how to exit it, I have no admin tabs - nothing works as expected or documented. And nuxeoctl register-trial ends up with This command is deprecated. To register visit:

So how do I get the JSF-UI installed and used as default when I have basically nothing to work with?

Thanks for your help. I really wonder if I am the only one having this kind of problems. (currently I have no UI installed, because I don't need the web-ui and this ui is higher priorized than my prefered jsf-ui so I uninstalled it)

Another question is HOW should I admin nuxeo if jsf-ui is deprecated and there is only the web-ui?

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You can download the WebUI and JSF-UI addon from the connect website ( and install them manually using 'nuxeoctl mp-install <your addon>.zip'. There are more detailes instructions if you click "Install" at the given link.

Thanks for your reply. The download is not the problem, but the installation fails because "Registration required". But how can I register my instance?

If you downloaded the file and install the file ("nuxeoctl mp-install") it should not require any registration. It requires registration if you install the addon from marketplace directly ("nuxeoctl mp-install name-of-addon").

I downloaded this file: and when I execute nuxeoctl mp-install path/filename it fails with registration required. And I don't know how I can register this instance from the console because the command for registering trials is also deprecated and does not work anymore.

I'm sorry Klaus. In that case I don't know how to help you.

I think I know why you get this error. They released a new JSF-UI version, which requires HF01, which requires a registration ;). When installing the old version ( it should work fine.

Thank you very much! This is the solution for me right now.