Do I need a browser protocol handler with nuxeo-drive ?
I'm testing nuxeo-drive with nuxeo 6.0 on ubuntu.
I'd like to make use of the “edit with nuxeo-drive” button in the browser. I think I need a protocol handler for firefox but I did not found any downloadable protocol for browsers.
I tried to declare it directly in firefox with these commands: = /path/to/ndrive %s
network.protocol-handler.expose.nxdrive = false
network.protocol-handler.external.nxdrive = true
network.protocol-handler.expose-all = true
When I try to edit a *.odt file, Libreoffice can't be launched.
Any hint? Thanks
Hi acn and ataillefer,
I think it would be better to create a protocol handler in ubuntu itself.
Steps to do so:
Create a new file
sudo touch /usr/share/applications/nxdrive-handler.desktop
With the following text:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Nuxeo Drive Protocol Handler
GenericName=Nuxeo Drive Handler
Comment=Handle NXdrive URL
Exec=ndrive %u
Then refresh the desktop database:
sudo update-desktop-database
Hope you can use this, Bauke Roo
Thanks for the tip, works well!
I created to integrate it. It will probably be part of the Debian package installation, when achieved, see
Yes we didn't implement the nxdrive
protocol handler registration for Linux yet (Linux is not our priority target at the moment), but it works on Windows and OS X.
Made a quick try to register it manually with your commands but with no success. If you find a way we would be glad to integrate it!
PS: I wonder if protocol registration is not easier on Chrome, maybe using some JS?
Where can I find the protocol handler for windows?