Why can't i see all my documents after the 5.6 update ?

Since the update to 5.6, all of my documents are gone. They still remains in my postgres database but nuxeo doesn't seem to link with. I see in server.log that it try to link to the derby database. The conf is ok, i re-run the installer wizard and it still doesn't connect to my psql database.

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1 answers



Can you copy into pastebin your nuxeo.conf and the server.log after a start ?

Here is the nuxeo.conf: http://pastebin.com/LwUYexq7 the nuxeo.default (from the custom template) : http://pastebin.com/Ab4Btb87 the server.log : http://pastebin.com/dcpTzMCJ

This configuration use to work in nuxeo 5.5. I have 2 server with nuxeo 5.6 and they both have the problem after upadte.

I use debian package to install and upgrade the nuxeo platform


Can you give us the value of NUXEO_CONF environment variable and check this is the one you copied into pastebin.

When i do an echo $NUXEO_CONF, i have nothing with root or nuxeo user. Maybe it's not the good command line…

My nuxeo.conf is in /etc/nuxeo/ and the custom template in /etc/nuxeo/custom. The both are used. When i go in the "admincenter" tab i can read the same parameters and if i change the DB pass in the conf, the log tell me that nuxeo can't connect to the DB. I also don't understand why it try to use the derby database instead of my PSQL. I also noticed that there is new line about that derby database in the server.xml file.


Can you list the '/var/lib/nuxeo/server/nxserver/config' directory (ls -l) through pastebin.

Dir list : http://pastebin.com/NgfR5gLh

I found that:

root@v224ged-2:/var/lib/nuxeo/server/nxserver/config# cat sql.properties

Jena database type and transaction mode


is it correct ?

This is the config dir of my custom template : http://pastebin.com/Eb8vwqq9


I found the problem. My custom template included the “default” template and it used to work in 5.5. Removing that call to default template solved the problem. The default template was overiding the nuxeo.db.type configuration.

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Great ! Thanks for the feedback.