Problem with SSH logon to a Nuxeo DM virtual machine


I got a problem attempting to log in as root user in a Nuxeo DM environment

I donwloaded the “Nuxeo Platform OVF (VirtualBox, RHEV, VMware ESX)” file, i installed in a ESX Server and it´s running well. I configured it accessing by http://

I probed with root/root, nuxeo/nuxeo, nuxeodm/nuxeodm, Administrator/Administrator, …..

Do anyone know the default user/password to log in the virtual machine?


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1 answers



The password is randomly generated the first time you launch the VM.
You need to open a console for that VM in ESX and hit ALT+F2, this will show you a login screen with the credentials.

1 votes

A lot of thanks mf!!!