PDF preview and PDF full-text search

Hello, I've got an issue regarding PDF preview: when I try to preview a PDF file, I get the following error: L'aperçu ne peut être généré pour ce document

Technical issue:

Blob path: default

org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.preview.api.PreviewException: Error during conversion

Apart from this problem, I also want to perform full-text search on PDF files ut when I try to search a word contained in a PDF File, the result is empty.

Thank you in advance, Rado Andriamahady

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Hi, Can you provide more information about your issue? Is it a text pdf, or and image? Also, how is installed your Nuxeo server? (windows, linux…) Most of the time the kind of issue comes from the fact that a converster is not installed. Do you have this kind message in the console at startup (not exactly this one but similar) : 10:06:16,843 WARN [CommandLineExecutorComponent] Command not available: wpd2text (command wpd2text not found in system path. You need to install wpd2text (deb: libwpd-tools) http://libwpd.sourceforge.net/download.html)

Hi, Thank you for your answer. In fact I tried a text pdf, an image, and a mixed pdf but all of those files didn't work for the preview. My installation is under windows. I don't have this kind of message in the console. I installed poppler including pdftotext, pdftohtml… and I configured the system's path to be able to find those utilities. How do I install libwpd on windows? Thank You Rado

did you install it through the installer or by using the zip package? What message do you have in the logs when trying the conversion? You should have libreoffice or openoffice started in background by Nuxeo, is it the case?

I installed through the installer. Where do I find the logs? I started libreoffice manually as stated in the installation manual. In fact, I can preview office files.

Could you please tell us what is your version of Nuxeo Platform ? And did you try to do it on demo.nuxeo.com?

Thanks :)


My version of nuxeo is 5.9.4. I didn't try on demo.nuxeo.com.

I tried on demo.nuxeo.com and I still cannot preview my pdf file.

I also tried a search on a word contained in the pdf I uploaded and I get results but without my file.

Can you tell us where you put your file on demo.nuxeo.com? (it will be reset tomorrow morning anyway). The logs can be found here: http://doc.nuxeo.com/x/Nw0z

I'm going to upload a file again. It will be in default-domain/workspaces/IT-Department and hte file name is installation_guide. I will also put there my server log.

I tried to upload the same file from the "import" button and now I can preview the file and even perform a full-text search on it. It seems like the issue comes from the drag and drop function from which the file format is not recognized.

Hi , i've the same problem as you (same nuxeo version on windows serveur 2008), and i followed the official documentation (http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/ADMINDOC/Installing+and+Setting+up+Related+Software;jsessionid=D4FF8ECC71589E7EA87F5C8D041A5CDE) and many other solution still nothing works here is my ERROR logs at startup in the server.log

2014-08-12 11:11:34,507 WARN [Thread-8] [org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.convert.ooomanager.OOoManagerComponent] OpenOffice was not found, JOD Converter won't be available: connection failed: 'socket,host=,port=2003,tcpNoDelay=1'; java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect


Hi tigitigi! Did you install libreoffice?

yes , i've cheked if the processus is running and it's the case soffice.bin(*32) works perfeclty

i've just noticed this msg in serv.log Commande not availabe: wpd2text(command wpd2text not found in system path. You need to install wpd2text (deb: libwpd-tools) http://libwpd.sourceforge.net/download.html), i've downloaded it (WriterPerfect-0.2.1-setup.exe) but when i try to install it i get this error msg "the directory 'C:\Program Files(x86)\LibreOffice4\program\shlxthdl does not contain an OpenOffice.org installation" how can'i fixe it ? thank you

Hey Rado, I cannot reproduce the issue, even with drag and drop. (what browser are you using?). Do you also have the OpenOffice was not found, JOD Converter won't be available: connection failed error at startup?



Is there any change the PDFs you are using are signed or secured? For example, I have seen issues in the past where the BouncyCastle libraries are required in order to properly handle a PDF. Admittedly I have not seen this in the 5.9 stream.