Nuxeo Live Edit launcher stopped working

Hi here are my system stats and conditions.

Wind 7 64 bit Ms office 2007 running as 32 bit Nuxeo connect account nt activated


  1. Installed MS office (nuxeo-liveedit-msoffice-x86-lateststable.msi)
  2. Verified in system Registry the Accepted Documents key has updated the following (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SW\Wow6432Node\microsoft\windows\Internet settings\accept docs) liveedit_msoffice_excel = application/x-nuxeo-liveedit;ext3=“application!” likewise for word and ppt &

liveedit_msoffice12_excel = application/x-nuxeo-liveedit;ext4=“application!vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet” likewise for word and ppt

So 6 new entries there.

  1. Set the following property to org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.liveedit.config=client as mentioned in some documentation.
  2. Followed the instructions in the documentation for firefox as well.

When i click on the liveedit link or click on the MS office icons in NUXEO DM, it shows busy sysmbol for a while and then i get the message

Nuxeo LiveEditLauncher has stopped working do you want to

close debug find solution online.

When i click details it says the folloiwng

Description: Stopped working

Problem signature: Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem Signature 01: nuxeo-liveedit-msoffice-launcher Problem Signature 02: Problem Signature 03: 51910ef4 Problem Signature 04: nuxeo-liveedit-msoffice-launcher Problem Signature 05: Problem Signature 06: 51910ef4 Problem Signature 07: 32 Problem Signature 08: 2f7 Problem Signature 09: System.InvalidCastException OS Version: 6.1.7600. Locale ID: 1033.

So any idea what is going on.I badly need Live edit to work as this will be one o the primary reasons to move to Nuxeo rather than sharepoint and stuff

Thank you

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1 answers



ok so found that this is a registry dirty versions Issue with Windows Ms office. Follow the link below to fix the same to make it work in IE 9.

The Advanced troubleshooting section in this link solved myissue. hope it solves many others headaches+ hours of valuable time.


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